This page contains a variety of articles I wrote while I was actively teaching. They are mostly about the skills needed to teach effectively and successfully, and the kinds of problems teachers can encounter. Almost all of them are serious in nature, a few are humourous, and many contain quite personal reflections.

There were originally close to two hundred of them, but I discovered when rereading them before posting them here that many were outdated, or repetitious. Some were directed solely at Education students. Many had to be rewritten with new information. Although my thoughts mostly haven't changed, the way I presented them sometimes needed a new approach.

All the documents are in pdf format, so they will load and save quickly. Use the 'Back' arrow in your browser to return here. There are about fifty articles posted. Most are directed at beginning teachers, but I think there is valuable information here for all teachers. Also, feel free to disagree with anything I've written. I love feedback; you can contact me at


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Content, HTML, graphics & design by Bill Willis 2023