Thoughts on Christianity and Other Things

Many times since I became a Christian in 2010, I've found myself turning my problems over to God. Usually it's because the problems are things which are out of my control. But it's also because some problems cause so much worry and anguish that I need help.

When I 'give my problems to God', it means that I can stop worrying, and be confident that He will look after things. Giving things to God really is giving up … it is acknowledging that we can't handle them alone.

Psalm 46:10 says to “Be still and know that I am God”. In other words, let your problems go, and trust Him.

This can be a little scary. It helps to start each day with a prayer of thankfulness, and some readings from scripture. I have a daily reading plan, as well as verse suggestions from my devotions.

Control is hard to give up. Constantly worrying about things gives us the illusion that we are in charge of our own lives, even as those things continue to go wrong. God is in control … we just need to make room for Him and let Him lead! Worrying about what the future holds for us is worrying for nothing. As Matthew 6:34 tells us: “Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.”

Each day is a gift, and we will miss that gift if we allow our minds to dwell on all the future unknowns. Trusting God with our future frees us to focus on today.

Here are some things I've written about. I'll be adding more; check back for new additions. Some links lead to pdf files; use the back button to return here.

  • How I Became a Christian

  • Being a New Christian Teacher

  • Stereotypes

  • What is an Adult?

  • The Narrator

  • Active Listening in Church

  • Adventures in Christianity

  • God is in the Details

  • Trust

  • Bible Studies

  • What You See Reflects Who You Are

  • Real Men Don't Ask for Directions

  • Skating to Where the Puck Will Be

  • Shining Your Light


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    Content, HTML, graphics & design by Bill Willis, with God's help, 2023