Famous Names
Vesalius The modern study of anatomy began with him
Aristotle The greatest mind
Jane Goodall She revolutionized our knowledge of primates
About Living Things
Classification of Living Things Biological taxonomy explained
The Land Biomes Explore the different climates on Earth
Ecosystems (Science 7) Small and large
Food Chains & Food Webs (Science 7) with examples
The Nitrogen Cycle Atmospheric nitrogen made useful
The Carbon Cycle (Science 10)
Active Times Names for the time of day creatures are active
Mammals Warm blooded, hairy, and feeding their young with milk
Birds with some amazing examples
Reptiles Cold blooded and scaly
Fishes Also cold blooded and scaly
Amphibians Born in water
Insects The most diverse group of animals
Rodents Comprising half of all mammal species
Decomposers The smallest creatures that break down dead things
Raptors What they really are
Camouflage Hiding in plain sight
Photosynthesis How plants make food
Plants Produce Oxygen See for yourself
Fluid Transport in Plants: Xylem & Phloem Moving water and nutrients
Mitosis How cells divide so an organism can grow
Chemotaxis How bacteria find food
Cells Building blocks of living things
DNA The most important molecule
Animal Tracks Footprint guide
Ivory Trade in this now banned substance has decimated the elephant population
Rat Dissection View it up close
Echolocation Bats, whales, and even some humans do it
The Oldest Living Things Do you know what they are?
Do Dogs Get Sore Throats if they bark a lot ...
Adaptations to an Environment A Science 9 project to design a creature for an alien environment
Blubber How does it keep arctic animals warm? Experiment and find out!
Make a Worm Farm See how they churn up the soil
About Your Body
Your Brain Explore all the parts and what they do
The Nervous System The brain and spinal cord
Memory and Learning How your brain stores things. Good ideas here for students
Your Lungs How they work, and what they do
Lungs Build a working model!
Your Stomach Everythng you need to know
The Small Intestine Extracting nutrients
The Large Intestine How the colon works
Your Heart All the facts
Your Liver An essential filter
The Circulatory System The heart and blood vessels
The Immune System Keeping you safe from germs
Your Skeleton All the bones
Your Muscles There are three kinds
Hair Only mammals have hair
The Urinary System To pee, or not to pee ...
Hormones and the organs that produce them
Growth Many girls are taller than boys in gr 6, but it doesn't last. Why not?
Iron in Your Food How to see it
Body Fat and Warmth What's the connection?
Unpleasant Facts about your body
Armpit Odour When your friends start to avoid you
Blisters All about burns and blisters
Freckles Some have them, some don't
What is a Sneeze? Find out here
Touch Can you really touch things?
Fingerprints Yours are unique. Learn about the types, and how to match them
The Human Sperm The carrier of male DNA
The Human Egg also called an ovum
A Developing Baby during the 9 months in the womb
Enzymes Helping cells work
Amino Acids Building proteins
Protein Building cells
Blood What's in it?
Your Nose Your nose knows!
Your Ear What goes on in there?
Your Tongue It's not just for sticking out
Anatomy of a Tooth What's inside
Your Vocal Cords How they work
Your Eye All the parts. See one dissected